Dietitians' List of the Top 7 High-Protein Foods for Breakfast

The Top 7 High-Protein Foods Dietitians Suggest for Breakfast

We all know the usual breakfast suspects: toast, cereal, bagels, pastries. They're quick and easy, but mostly carbs and low in protein. Carbs give you a quick energy boost, but that fades fast and leaves you feeling hungry again. That's where protein comes in! Protein keeps you satisfied and helps you feel fuller for longer. It's also an important nutrient for your overall health. Protein is like the building blocks of your body - your muscles, organs, and even your hair and nails are made from protein! Because your body uses protein all the time, it's important to spread your protein intake throughout the day. Dietitians (people who are experts in food and health) recommend starting your day with a protein-rich breakfast to give your body the energy it needs to keep you going until lunchtime. This article will show you some delicious and easy ways to add protein to your breakfast routine, so you can ditch the hanger and feel your best all morning!

Benefits of Eating Protein at Breakfast

Provides Long-Lasting Energy

Protein stays with you whereas carbohydrates may provide a short-term energy boost. The owner of Nutrition Education RD, Catherine Karnatz, M.P.H., RD, notes that while protein-rich foods take longer for our systems to digest, they will keep us feeling full and satisfied longer than if we merely grab a piece of fruit for breakfast.

A protein-filled breakfast keeps you full for longer, making you less likely to crave snacks before lunch. This can also help you avoid overeating later in the day, says Lilian Nwora, a registered dietitian.

Dietitians' List of the Top 7 High-Protein Foods for Breakfast

Aids in Managing Blood Sugar

Eating protein for breakfast helps keep your blood sugar levels steady. This means you're less likely to experience that mid-morning crash where you feel tired and foggy. Lilian Nwora, a registered dietitian, explains it this way. Plus, the benefits last! Eliza Whitaker, another dietitian, says a protein-filled breakfast can even help keep your blood sugar lower after lunch and dinner. This is good because keeping blood sugar steady is also linked to a healthier heart!

Improves Heart Health

Eating protein for breakfast might be good for your heart too! Sheri Gaw, a registered dietitian, says people who focus on protein at breakfast tend to have healthier hearts. This is because some protein sources have good fats that help keep your cholesterol in check. The right protein breakfast can lower your blood pressure and boost your "good" cholesterol, which is a win-win!

Builds and Repairs Muscle

Eating protein throughout the day, including breakfast, helps your body build and maintain muscle. This is especially important if you exercise in the mornings. Catherine Karnatz, a registered dietitian, says a protein-packed breakfast can be like refueling your body to help your muscles grow and recover after a workout.

Best High-Protein Foods to Eat for Breakfast

Dietitians' List of the Top 7 High-Protein Foods for Breakfast

1. Greek Yogurt

"Eating a dish of Greek yogurt for breakfast is a guaranteed way to start your day with a substantial amount of filling protein," advises Gaw. Your morning meal will have 20 grams of protein if you have a 7-ounce container of plain Greek yogurt.

Greek yogurt also provides probiotics. "Probiotics help maintain a healthy gut microbiota, which may improve immunity, lower the risk of chronic illness, and reduce systemic inflammation," says Gaw.

For inspiration, try our Nut & Berry Parfait. Consider these High-Protein Overnight Oats with Peanut Butter and Strawberry.

Dietitians' List of the Top 7 High-Protein Foods for Breakfast

2. Cottage Cheese

Have you noticed cottage cheese popping up all over your social media feeds lately? There's a good reason for that! Cottage cheese is a protein superstar, with a single cup offering a whopping 25 grams to keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the morning. But that's not all! Patricia Kolesa, a registered dietitian, says cottage cheese is also packed with essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly, like potassium which helps regulate blood pressure, calcium which is important for strong bones and teeth, and even Vitamin B12 which helps keep your energy levels up.

The best part? Cottage cheese is super versatile! You can enjoy it savory by adding it to scrambled eggs for a protein-packed breakfast scramble, spreading it on whole-grain toast for a quick and easy snack, or even crumbling it over a salad for an extra protein boost. Or keep it sweet by mixing it into a fruit bowl for a refreshing and nutritious breakfast parfait. We even have a delicious Cottage Cheese Snack Jar recipe you can try for a fun and flavorful way to enjoy cottage cheese!

3. Eggs

Eggs are a breakfast MVP (Most Valuable Protein)! They're a complete protein source, containing all 9 essential amino acids your body can't make on its own. Each egg packs a 6-gram protein punch to keep you feeling satisfied all morning. Plus, they're affordable and easy to prepare in many ways. Dietitian Lilian Nwora says eggs are a versatile and budget-friendly way to add protein to your breakfast. Feeling inspired? Try our Shakshuka with Roasted Tomatoes for a flavorful twist, or whip up a protein-packed omelet for a satisfying start to your day!

4. Tofu

Tofu might not be your typical breakfast food, but it's a protein powerhouse in disguise! Tofu has a low-fat content and a substantial 22 grams of protein in just half a cup. It's a lean, high-protein way to start the day, especially if you're searching for a dairy- or egg-free option, according to dietitian Eliza Whitaker. 

But that's not all! Tofu also has good fats that help your heart and even plant-based probiotics that keep your gut happy. Studies suggest these special ingredients in tofu, called isoflavones, might be the reason behind its many health benefits.

Feeling adventurous? Tofu can be easily incorporated into breakfast dishes! Try making a scrambled tofu breakfast burrito for a grab-and-go option, whip up a Tofu & Vegetable Scramble for a hot and satisfying meal, or even blend silken tofu into your smoothies for a creamy and protein-boosted breakfast drink.

5. Salmon

Salmon isn't just for dinner anymore! This delicious fish is loaded with protein - a 3-ounce serving packs a 17-gram punch to keep you feeling full. But that's not all! Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and other elements that support healthy bodily function are also abundant in salmon. Omega-3s are especially good for your heart by reducing inflammation, lowering bad cholesterol, and making your blood vessels more flexible.

Ready to try salmon for breakfast? We've got you covered! Break away from the usual routine with a refreshing Breakfast Salad featuring smoked salmon and poached eggs, or whip up some fun and flavorful Everything Bagel Salmon Bites for a protein-packed way to start your day!

6. Ground Turkey

Think ground turkey is just for burgers? Think again! This lean protein source is a breakfast champion in disguise. A 4-ounce serving of 93% lean ground turkey packs a protein punch of 20 grams, keeping you feeling satisfied all morning. Plus, it's loaded with essential nutrients your body needs, like B vitamins for energy, zinc for a healthy immune system, and selenium for overall well-being.

Here's the best part: ground turkey is a healthier swap for bacon or sausage in your favorite breakfast dishes. It's lower in unhealthy saturated fat, making it a guilt-free way to enjoy omelets, scrambles, or breakfast casseroles. Leftovers from dinner? Even better!

7. Ready-to-Drink Protein Shakes

Dietitians usually recommend getting your protein from real food first. But hey, mornings can be crazy! If you're short on time, a protein shake can be a handy option. Just make sure you get most of your protein from food sources throughout the day.

Most pre-made protein shakes are loaded with protein, with 20 to 30 grams per serving. Dietitian Lilian Nwora has some creative ideas for using them: blend one with your cereal instead of milk, or add it to your coffee for a protein-packed creamer. They're perfect for busy mornings on the go - you can even stash one in your car,

Power Up Your Mornings with Protein!

Protein is a superstar nutrient that belongs on your breakfast plate. It gives you long-lasting energy, keeps you feeling full and satisfied all morning long, and can help you avoid those mid-morning slumps. People who regularly enjoy protein for breakfast tend to have steadier blood sugar levels and healthier hearts.

The key is to create a balanced breakfast with protein, healthy fats, carbs, and fiber. Here are some protein powerhouses to consider adding to your morning routine: eggs, salmon, ground turkey, and even tofu! So ditch the sugary cereals and boring toast - a protein-packed breakfast is a delicious and healthy way to kickstart your day!

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